use ReportBuilderTraining --- --- Create a stored procedure that takes arguments and returns data. --- --- designed to take a multi-valued parameter from SSRS for @term --- -- cleanup from previous runs, delete sproc if it already exists if exists (select * from sys.procedures where name='sp_GetStudentDemographics') drop procedure sp_GetStudentDemographics GO CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetStudentDemographics @term nvarchar(4000) ,@program int AS BEGIN select StudentId, Ethnicity, Gender from Student s where exists ( select * from StudentMajor sm join Major m on sm.MajorId=m.MajorId where m.ProgramID = @program and TermId in (select value from fnSplitString(@term, ',')) and sm.StudentId=s.StudentId ) END go exec sp_GetStudentDemographics @term=N'20173, 20175', @program=1