use ReportBuilderTraining --- --- Strings --- select * from Student where LastName='Jones' select * from Student where Ethnicity not in ('White', 'International', 'Unknown') select * from Student where LastName = 'Jones' and FirstName like 'E%' select * from Student where LastName = 'Jones' and FirstName like '[ES]%' select * from Student where LastName = 'Jones' and FirstName like 'I__' select * from Address where ZIP not like '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' select * from Address where Street1 like '%!_%' escape '!' select * from Student where LastName like '%''%' --- --- Numeric --- select * from Student where HS_GPA = 4.0 select * from Student where HS_GPA <= 2.0 select * from Student where case when datepart(DY, Birthdate) > datepart(DY, getdate()) then datediff(YYYY, Birthdate, getdate()) - 1 else datediff(YYYY, Birthdate, getdate()) end between 18 and 21 --- --- precidence --- select * from Student where Ethnicity not in ('White', 'International', 'Unknown') or FirstGeneration = 1 or LowIncome = 1 and HS_GPA=4.0 -- 2,423 students select * from Student where ( Ethnicity not in ('White', 'International', 'Unknown') or FirstGeneration = 1 or LowIncome = 1 ) and HS_GPA=4.0 -- 65 students